개인용 Gist 리포지토리입니다. Source: github.com/hooreique/hooreique.github.io
Total 17 scenarios
```plaintext{gist label=/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/custom.conf} PermitRootLogin prohibit-password PubkeyAuthentication yes Passwor…
Ghostty Term Info
```bash{gist} infocmp -x xterm-ghostty | ssh user@host -- tic -x - ``` 이 때 원격지에서 `tic` 을 사용할 수 없다면 `ncurses` 패키지를 설치하자.
```nix{gist label=~/.config/home-manager/home.nix} { config, pkgs, ... }: { # Home Manager needs a bit of information about …
Lemonade Config
```toml{gist label=~/.config/lemonade.toml} # ~/.config/lemonade.toml # This config is for both server and client host = '127.0…
NixOS on Hyper-V
```nix{gist label=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix} # Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # your sys…